Do you sometimes feel that your life is going by too quickly?
Are you always stressed trying to balance household chores, cooking, cleaning, caring for your children, and working/running a business?
Do you find that days are passing without accomplishing the things that matter to you?
You can reduce your stress and become more productive by becoming more organized.
In this article, we will discuss six strategies to become more organized and get more done without stress. You will also get a coupon code to download your own copy of The Mom's Home Planner
1. Declutter your home
To declutter means to remove any unnecessary items that you are not using anymore from your home. This is the first step towards organizing your home.
Once you declutter, you will notice that there is more space in your home. It's easier to clean and dust.
It also has a psychological effect of improving your mental state because clutter can make you feel anxious, stressed, and depressed. In fact, a direct link between clutter and higher stress levels has been established by researchers.
A study from UCLA's Centre on Everyday Lives of Families (CELF) has shown that women who think their homes are cluttered have higher levels of cortisol(stress hormone). According to the study, the amount of stuff the women and their families had accumulated was directly proportional to their stress levels.
There are many health benefits you can get from decluttering your home. This includes better sleep and a better diet.
Researchers at Minnesota University found that people who spent time in an unorganized room were twice as likely to eat chocolate than an apple. A study at Florida State U university also reveals a link between hoarding and obesity noting that people with extremely cluttered homes were 77% more likely to be overweight.
Decluttering can be a daunting process. If you try to take on the whole house at once, you will feel overwhelmed.
Take it one room at a time starting with rooms like the kitchen or the living room.
When decluttering, ask yourself these questions to determine what to keep or dispose of.
- Do I use this item?
- Do I like this item?
- How often do I use this item?
- Do I have a specific place where this item is kept?
- When was the last time I used it?
- Do I already own four of these items?
- Am I only keeping this item because someone gave it to me?
- I didn't remember I owned this item. Do I really want it?
Of course, you can keep something that is of sentimental value to you. Just make sure you have a place for it.
2. Set up a cleaning schedule
A cleaning schedule is a great way to keep your home clean and in order. You will be amazed at how your stress levels will reduce by implementing a simple cleaning schedule.
A study by researchers at Indiana University showed that those who kept their homes cleaner were healthier than those who did not because the process of cleaning a home constitutes exercise.
To create a schedule, determine what cleaning tasks need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. You can decide what works best for you and your family.
Once you have decided what tasks you need to be done, assign time and day of the week to each of them, such as Mondays are for cleaning bathrooms, Wednesdays for dusting, Saturdays for washing.
It's advisable to write them down in a planner like The Mom's Home Planner so you don't forget.
Consider hiring someone to do the cleaning for you, if you have a busy schedule.
3. Meal Planning and Meal Prep
Planning and preparing your meals will eliminate a lot of stress. You won't have to wonder what to eat and whether you have enough food items to prepare it.
Meal planning helps you save time and money.
Meal planning is very simple. You just need to decide how many meals you will be eating in a day including snacks, for how many people, and when.
Choose meals that are nutritious, easy to make, and your family likes. Write them down in your meal planner and paste on your kitchen wall or cabinet for easy reference.
You can download and print a meal planner in The Mom's Home Planner.
Another thing to consider is how often you do your grocery shopping. Do you shop several times a week, weekly, monthly?
Consider shopping in bulk if you can afford it to save time, money and reduce stress.
Meal prep involves preparing your meals ahead. You can choose to prepare complete meals for the week, or some meals like stews and soups or just individual ingredients to make meals.
There is no right or wrong way to do this.
4. Cleaning and Organization with Kids
One of the best ways to keep your house organized is by involving your kids in the cleaning and organizing process. Even small kids can be included in the cleaning process.
You can start by teaching them how to put away their toys after playtime.
Help kids keep their belongings organized with places to return things easily like drawers, cupboards e.t.c.
You can put pictures or words in front of the bins so they know what belongs there.
Teaching kids to help with household chores teaches them responsibility and lifelong skills such as contributing to a community and thinking about the needs of others.
It also helps them develop a work ethic.
5. Digital Organization
Digital clutter slows down your digital devices. Cleaning up your digital devices can help make your life more functional and organized.
Major places to start with your digital decluttering include:
Declutter your inbox by deleting read emails from your inbox or filing them into categories.
Delete your extra pictures. Delete multiples and pictures you don't like.
Empty your downloaded files, trash bins, desktop, and history.
6. Relaxation and rest
To be productive, you need rest. Take time out to do things that you enjoy
Get help from your spouse, relatives, or/and domestic staff like a nanny, cleaner e.t.c.
Pick a time when you are done for the day. Your long list of todos will still be there tomorrow. Your body and your mind need rest.
Create a habit of getting to bed at a reasonable time.
These tips can help you stay productive, happy, and healthy enough to care for your home.
Remember to download your copy of The Moms's Home Planner with over 77 planner pages including a meal planner, home cleaning, budgeting planner sheets, and much more.
Just download and print as many copies as you want.
Use the coupon code PLANNER when you check out.
Go here to get your copy: Mom's Home Planner.